Re: US Delegates’ visit to Unilorin: Appreciation

On behalf of the Fulbright Association of Nigeria, Unilorin Chapter, I wish to express our appreciation to the entire University Community for the warm reception accorded our august visitor, the Public Diplomacy Officer (PDO), at the US Embassy, Ms Katarina Lage Ramos, and her team, who paid a working visit to the University of Ilorin on Tuesday May 21, 2024.

Special thanks to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Wahab Olasupo Egbewole, SAN, who was unavoidably absent but provided an enabling environment to receive the visitors.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (RTI), Prof. A. A. Fawole, who represented the Vice Chancellor, made an everlasting I    mpression on our visitor.

We are grateful to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Prof. O. A. Omotesho and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Management Services), Prof. S. F. Ambali, for honouring us with their presence at the reception.

We also extend our appreciation to the University Librarian, Dr. K. T. Omopupa who was not only present to receive the visitors but also made it possible for them to inspect the space in the University Library earmarked for the American Corner to be furnished by the Embassy. We are highly grateful for this gesture.

The Registrar, Barrister M. A. Alfanla and acting Bursar, Mr. Oba Abdulbarki are highly appreciated.

I want to extend our appreciation to the Provost, College of Health Sciences as well as all the Deans, in particular the Deans of Student Affairs, Communication and Information Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. Your support has been wonderful especially in the mobilisation of the students. We are highly grateful.

I would like to single out the Dean of Physical Sciences, Prof. Alafara A. Baba, who we had to contact when we seemed lost about the venue to be used to interact with the students and he graciously approved the use of the Science Lecture Theater (SLT) for that purpose. This singular act will be continuously remembered. Thank you.

All Directors and in particular the Director of the Center for International Education (CIE), Prof. L. O. Ibrahim, are highly appreciated.

The Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr. Kunle Akogun and his team are specially appreciated for the widespread publicity especially when there was a sudden change of time, in addition for hosting our visitor on the Unilorin FM 89.3. We are really grateful.

All the staff of the University are highly appreciated for having a conducive environment for the reception of the visitors.

Lastly, our students have been wonderful; a number of them made it to the SLT to listen to our visitor despite the short notice of change of time and venue. You all are really appreciated. The help rendered by the President of the Student Union and his time in this regard is not taken for granted, but highly appreciated.